
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't: Unsolicited Fashion Advice

About a year ago, I came home from an exhausting day of band practice -- two-a-days which consisted of both strenuous outdoor and indoor rehearsals. I was pooped! Of course being outside almost all day and being sweaty, I didn't want to wear my best clothes, so instead I wore more like work-out clothing (shorts, old tank, bra straps, TWE). When I got out of practice, my dad needed to make a quick run to our local B&N to meet a client so I came with. Boy, was that a mistake!

So I got there and picked up a small stack of fashion mags to browse through while we waited in the cafe. The woman walked in and found our table -- she looked nice. Faulty assumption on my part. My dad introduced us to each other...she asked me a few questions about myself like all adults do. In return I smiled politely. But then these words came out of her mouth:

"You know, I'm a bit of a fashion guru...and just a little tip, wear a BLACK bra." and she touched and pointed to the bright green strap from one of my workout bras.

At this point in the short-lived conversation we had, the polite smile melted off of my face as quickly as ice cream melts in summer heat. Everything else that she said after that comment, was a complete blur as I did not give a flip. I tried to keep the smile, but I was getting more and more ticked as I replayed that moment in my head. Little did she know that, I too, am a fashion guru with a blossoming education & career in the industry. And on top of that, I DIDN'T CARE! I was tempted to give her a piece of my mind, however, I had to remain polite -- bull.  After that, I quickly excused myself from the conversation which would have gotten extremely heated if I had chosen to stay and unwillingly soak up anymore of the "fashion guru's" tips.

But my point Fashionistas and Fashionistos, DO NOT GIVE UNSOLICITED ADVICE! I can't stress that any more than I already have. You'll be giving a mouthful of something they don't want to hear, and you'll be receiving a mouthful worse than what you gave. If you're a guru Fashionista, that's great, but ladies and gents, have some class.

-- Jae

1 comment:

  1. =) Gostei do blog! parabéns. I follow you now
